Saturday, June 24, 2006

Manti and Utah's Panoramaland

June 22nd, we are drving from Fish Lake to Manti, to watch "Mormon Miracle Pegeant". This is Utah's Panoramaland, on the highway #72. Posted by Picasa Fremont, Utah. June 22nd, 2006. Highway #72. Posted by Picasa Highway #72, The lake is Johnson Valley Reservoir. June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa

Highway #72, The lake is Johnson Valley Reservoir. June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Utah's Panoramaland, on the highway #72. June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Highway #72, Utah's Panoramaland... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa

Birch Valley, Utah, on the highway #72. June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Latter-Day Saints Manti Utah Temple... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Manti landmark... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa

Latter-Day Saints Manti Utah Temple... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa"Mormon Miracle Pegeant" site, Manti, Utah. June 22nd, 2006 Posted by Picasa We took a break in Palisade State Park, near Sterling, Utah... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa

We visited Moroni, Utah. June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Palisade State Park, 16 miles from Manti, Utah... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa Palisade State Park (a panoramic picture), 16 miles from Manti, Utah... June 22nd, 2006. Posted by Picasa


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