Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hiking Mount Mahogany

Today(April 22nd, 2006), Margaret and me was hiking the Mount Mahogany which we see everyday from our home. Posted by Picasa #2. Margaret is climbbing up Mount Mahogany... Posted by Picasa #3. Margaret had a break... (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa

#4. Yeee... Margaret reached a view point...(Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa #5. View from a point... Background is Utah Lake. (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa #6. View from a point... (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa

#8. We are heading back home... (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa #9. There was a wild duck there in this puddle... (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa #10, When we aproached close, it was flying away... (Mount Mahogany Hiking) Posted by Picasa


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