Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas in Cedar Hills Utah

Today, after a joyful SiChuan style lunch, we just went around to look, new budings, new views... This is the Mount Mahogany at Cedar Hills, Utah ... December 24, 2005
{} Along SR#92, "Dry Creek" (Highland, Utah) area is special for its plants and location ... This is the entrance from SR#92 ...... Dcember 24, 2005 {} "Dry Creek" right now there is no stream, but ice ......

"Dry Creek", background is the snow covered mountains in Alpine, Utah ...... <> Looking at Utah County ... Left is Mount Timpanogas, Right is Mount Nebo and Utah Lake ... from Draper south, Decmeber 24, 2005. <> Looking west from hill top of Draper, Utah. You may see the world famous Kennecott Copper Mine.

Looking at Salt Lake Valley, from hill top of Draper, Utah ...... (far background is Salt Lake) <> Utah Lake .... it supplies fresh water to Salt Lake via Jordan River. (viewed from Draper hill top) December 24, 2005 <> One of my neighbour's Christmas decoration light ...... Cedar Hills, Utah. December 24, 2005

One of my neighbour's Christmas decoration light ...... Cedar Hills, Utah. December 24, 2005 <> Mount Timpanogos Temple of LDS. Viewed from Canyon Road of Cedar Hills, Utah. December 24, 2005. <> One of my neighbour's Christmas decoration light ...... Cedar Hills, Utah. December 24, 2005


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