Saturday, July 30, 2005

American Fork Canyon, Utah


Majestic Rocks along American Fork Canyon, Utah.

Snow Covered Mount Timpanogos ...

Tibble Fork Lake in American Fork Canyon, Utah.

Blooming Tulips ... Cherry and Peach, Spring 2005

Photo#1 (left) Foggy San Pedro Harbor of Santa Catalina Island, December 1999. Waited about one and half hour to get there by a crowded ferry from Long Beach to San Pedro (a one hour trip). We had a two hour guided tour around the Santa Catalina and eat some sea food at an old, expensive and very crowded restaurant. It is a wonderful sight-seeing trip!

Photo#2 (mid) December, 2002. Visited Salt Lake City Temple Square. We love Utah's Winter especially when it's snowing.

Photo#3 (right) Hiking along Canyon Overlook Trail at Zion National Park on the New Year's Day of 2005. More scenic Zion National Park photos here. [#8 of 15].

Moss Landing, 2002. With friends. US#1 highway, middle of Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz, California, a good fishing and bird-watching location. We have very good times there. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could time travel?

11:07 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

your blog is beautiful, the pics are beautiful

10:49 AM  

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